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Shape a Sustainable Future with cove.tool

In this 60-minute session, we will explore embodied carbon (kgCO2e) – the carbon released during resource extraction, transportation, manufacturing, and product fabrication. Discover how data-driven solutions are revolutionizing carbon impact analysis in renovation projects.

Through case studies, we'll outline methods to achieve net-zero carbon. Join us to learn practical workflows and strategies for a sustainable future.



About the Speaker

Sara Laudeman is an architecture researcher at cove.tool. She holds a Master of Architecture from the Georgia Institute of Technology, as well as degrees from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte in architecture (B.A.) and mathematics (B.S.). At cove.tool, she works on the research, design, and development of features, as well as supporting users and developing resources to support sustainable design and analysis. She is passionate about using the intersection of design and computation to advance sustainable design goals in the AEC industry.

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