
What does the age of AI mean for the AEC Industry?

Artificial Intelligence has been a trending topic for quite some time now, but what part of this trend is here to stay for architects? Explore the transformative impact of AI on architecture in our webinar hosted by cove.tool's CPO and CO-Founder, Patrick Chopson, and Sales Enablement Director, Ed Akins. Join us for a conversation that will provide unique perspectives on the dynamic developments in architectural technology, offering key insights and impressions from the forefront of innovation.

Myths and Realities of Natural Ventilation in Building Design (3)
Myths and Realities of Natural Ventilation in Building Design (2)

About the Speaker

Patrick Chopson, AIA, is the CPO and Co-Founder of cove.tool. Focusing on the crossover between architecture and technology, Patrick leads cove.tool, a web-based design software for buildings using machine learning and automation to
drive decision making. As Co-
Founder, he oversees product development and research. A
graduate of Georgia Tech with a Master's in High Performance Buildings, he is a licensed architect with over 17 years of experience in architecture, research, and mechanical engineering firms. Prior to cove.tool, he co-founded a successful building performance consulting firm
Pattern r+d. He is featured in multiple publications, including Architect Magazine, Tech Crunch, Site Selection, ArchDaily, and more.

About the Speaker

Ed Akins II, AIA, is the Sales Enablement Director for cove.tool and a registered Architect. He graduated with a Master of Architecture Degree from the Georgia Institute of Technology and has joined cove.tool to amplify his support of healthier relationships between the built environment and the natural world. Over more than two decades he has worked with local communities, architecture firms, and higher education to encourage more responsive and environmentally sensitive design practices. His commitment to a more sustainable future has resulted in multiple awards and honors from the professional community and academia.

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