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An Introduction to BIM

In the past decade, several novel technologies have emerged with roots in building information modeling that can help teams save time and ultimately make a project cost-efficient. This guide is the first of a five-part series on building information modeling. As technology continues to progress rapidly with each passing day, the opportunity to improve our workflows in the AEC industry presents itself so that industry professionals may become more agile, efficient, and collaborative in delivering high-quality projects. To achieve those goals, design and building professionals must first learn how to collaborate and communicate with one another so that the current silo-based means of practice transition to an integrated approach. Building Information Modeling (BIM) and Building Energy Modeling (BEM) technologies afford such a pathway.

This guide will provide an introduction to BIM, walk you through different definitions and use cases, and discuss popular technologies and how they support BIM practices. It will also guide you through integrating BIM into the phases of design and following the LOD 100 model. 


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