5 Ways to Lower Energy Use Intensity on Your Building Project

Meet Energy Performance Goals With Data Driven Design

With buildings consuming 40% of the world’s energy, producing a large amount of greenhouse gas emissions, it is critical that the construction industry make significant strides in reducing energy waste. More green and net-zero carbon buildings are being built to counter the adverse effects of climate change, and many designers are using building simulation to make data driven design decisions and significantly reduce the overall energy use intensity(EUI) on building projects.

By calculating the EUI of a building, architects and engineers can better predict the project’s yearly utility cost which helps them understand the impact of each design decision. If you’re looking to reduce the energy use intensity on your building projects and are unsure of where to start, this e-book provides five important strategies to help you reach your targets.

Key topics include:

  • Understanding EUI and the different factors that contribute to high energy consumption.

  • The importance of optimization to balance energy and cost.

  • Straregies to reduce building EUI on current and future projects.

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